Kalligrafie – die Kunst der arabischen Schrift
Geschriebene Welten Deniz Erduman Dumont Literatur und Kunst Verlag Erscheinungsdatum: Oktober 2004 ISBN: 3832175083
Paul Ammann, Roger Canali, Thomas Widmer Meisterschreiber. Zeitgenössische arabische Kalligrafie und ihre Künstler Benteli Vlg., Wabern, 1998 DAS Buch im deutschsprachigen Raum, das sich mit zeitgenössischer arabischer Kalligrafie beschäftigt. Man kommt im Prinzip nicht um dieses Buch he rum.
Mustafa Ja’far Calligraphy: Naskh Script for Beginners British Museum Press Erscheinungsdatum: 7. März 2002 ISBN: 0714114995
Kleines, nettes Heftchen mit 32 Seiten im A4-Format um selbst Kalligrafisch tätig zu werden …
Abdelkebir Khatibi, Mohammed Sijelmassi The Splendor of Islamic Calligraphy W W Norton & Co Inc Erscheinungsdatum: 1. April 1996 ISBN: 0500016755
Amazon Rezension:
From Library Journal A revised and expanded version of the 1976 edition, this scholarly study displays several hundred spectacular examples of an art form that is underappreciated in the West. Independent scholars living in Morocco, the authors begin by providing a conceptual and historical background to the meaning and origins of Islamic calligraphy. They then explicate the aesthetics, techniques, styles, and structure of the art. New chapters on the use of calligraphy in architecture and contemporary painting (featuring artists Hoosier Zenderoudi, Rashid Koraishi, and Shakir Hassan) enrich the coverage of the subject. The text, which contains information of unquestionable value, is marred only by the turgidly academic writing. Still, this is recommended for public libraries for its illustrations and highly recommended for academic libraries with an interest in the arts.?Eugene C. Burt, Art Inst. of Seattle Lib. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Synopsis Calligraphy is the art which combines visual image and written word. This book combines photographed examples with a background history and an analysis of the geometrical and ornamental principles of this graphic form of writing. Islamic calligraphy takes its inspiration from the Muslim belief in the divine origin of Arabic writing. Its use in sacred and official texts has given rise to a calligraphic tradition that has flourished for over 1000 years, not only in manuscript decoration but in architecture, sculpture, ceramics and paintings. With new chapters on the role of calligraphy in architecture and contemporary painting, this revised edition provides a comprehensive survey of the subject from its earliest origins to today. Examples of scripts, including kufic, thuluth, naskhi and maghribi, are shown in a series of photographs which produce manuscript pages, paintings and other works of art.
Writing Arabic: From Script to Type Stefan F. Moginet ISBN-10: 9789774162923 ISBN-13: 978-9774162923 ASIN: 9774162927Endlich ein Buch, das sich nicht primär mit Kalligraphie befasst, sondern mit der Entwicklung der arabischen Schrift und den Schrifttypen.
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